Monday, 30 January 2012


The Occupy movement has come to Thanet with a spectacular occupation outside Kent's most famous new art gallery.
Members of the newly formed protest group set up camp outside the Turner Contemporary Gallery on Friday January 27th with tents and banners.
Their aim, they say, is to draw attention to injustice on a national and local level. One member stated: “Occupy Thanet was set up in response to the many Occupy movements that are taking place across the world.
“We are told that we are in a recession and we have to pay with cutbacks and sacrifices. But this is not a recession – this is a robbery. The banks have stolen billions of pounds which we are expected to repay.
“This Occupation is a chance for people in Thanet to make their voices heard and to make a stand against the cuts and injustices both globally and locally.”
Initially, Turner staff tried to stop the occupation and the police were called, but the police confirmed the protestors were breaking no law by taking up their position outside Margate’s high profile art gallery.
Retired health worker Filiz McNamara said “I’m very concerned about the ongoing cuts to the health service which will make the inequalities in Thanet much worse. I completely support the aims of the Occupy movement who are calling attention to the terrible injustices in our society.”
Visitors to the camp have included the mayor of Margate, Iris Johnson, and local Tory MP Roger Gale.
Jon Snow, the Channel Four news presenter attending the Turner for the opening of a new exhibition, also visited the occupation and talked to the protestors.
Local traders have given Occupy members food and many passersby have expressed their support.

For more information, visit the Occupy Thanet site just outside the Turner Contemporary art gallery on Margate sea front.


  1. Well done those Occupy people in calling attention to the inequalities in Thanet!

  2. Brilliant, stay strong, educate the people.

  3. Get a job. I hope it snows.

  4. It has snowed and they're still there! Many of them have jobs and go after and before work. That's dedication. Why not go and talk to them before you make unjust comments?

  5. It's an indulgent, pointless waste of time and negates from the fantastic Turner exhibition which they profess to approve of. They do not speak for me and many like me and they are arrogant to claim that they do. They make meaningless lofty statements which are not a reflection of fact and change nothing. They merely have an idealistic and inflated view of themselves and their own world view. I hope it snows hard and long too.

    1. Why are you so bitter about people standing up for their principles? If you think they don't speak for you go and talk to them and find out what they do think. Why do you wish bad things for people who seem to me to be trying to speak out against inequality - nationally and locally?
      At the risk of people saying "she would say that wouldn't she?" I'm going to sign this because I'm not ashamed to support them.
      Christine Tongue

  6. I think they're aware of all the local issues. But I think their approach is to say NO to the present system and introduce some fresh thinking. The old thinking got us to ruin!

    1. No, what they did was stamp their feet, whine that the world's not fair because it expects them to actually work and contribute, camp in a car park, then, as predicted, disappear back to their squat having achieve exactly nothing.

      Seesm you are the patron saint of worthless causes christine.

  7. Perhaps you can therefore explain exactly what the 'old thinking' is and what they are proposing? No trite comments about inequality and world peace - something tangible?

  8. A blog comment isn't the place to do philosophy - sorry. It would just be trite.

  9. Thanks for confirming the pointlessness of it all Christine.


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