Friday, 13 January 2012

Cllr Driver and his resignation from Thanet Labour Group.

From Cllr Clive Hart - Labour Group Leader
Firstly, Cllr Driver sent his apologies and did not attend the Group meeting where our original draft budget proposals were agreed. 
Immediately I received Cllr Driver's email regarding our draft budget press release I phoned him and discussed his concerns with him.
In public at the TDC Cabinet meeting on 5th January Cllr Driver was allowed to speak and give his views on the issue and further discussion took place.
In public at the TDC Overview and Scrutiny meeting on 12th January Cllr Driver spoke at enormous length on the issue and even more discussion took place.
In the days between the Scrutiny meeting and our Group meeting on Thursday evening I spoke at length with our Group Deputy Leader, our Group Chair and our Cabinet member for Finance regarding Cllr Driver's concerns.
At Group on Thursday evening Cllr Driver was again encouraged to voice his concerns and ALL members present, including Cllr Driver repeatedly, debated the issue for well over an hour. When the final decision was made at the end of the debate, no-one supported Cllr Driver's view.
There were no 'scenes' and Cllr Driver left the meeting quietly, leaving behind his written resignation.
Our Group is a very inclusive and democratic organisation and I truly believe Cllr Driver was given every possible opportunity to put his case.
I think it is very sad that even after this lengthy procedure, he felt unable to accept the views of his fellow group members.
Cllr Driver's resignation changes little and I hope our sincere and positive actions since taking control have won us support outside of our party. Cross party working is essential in a hung council and I would think that is exactly what the public would wish to see.
Published by Thanet Labour Group, 44 Northdown Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 2RW.

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