Tuesday 15 March 2011


A woman who planted trees in loving memory of her daughter in Broadstairs’ Pierremont Park is begging the council to think again about plans to build in the park.

Mrs Kathy Carr’s daughter Ajanta died 30 years ago this month in a tragic drowning accident off Ramsgate seafront when she was ten years old. Her family planted trees in Pierremont Park in her memory.

Mrs Carr said: “I was saddened to hear there are plans to a build a large new community centre in Pierremont Park and that trees and parkland will be lost to make way for this development.”

Mrs Carr added: “My daughter would have been 40 this month and the park holds pleasant memories for me and the community at large.”

After the death of her daughter, Mrs Carr wrote a book of poetry “The Rich Pattern Of Mind” which, she said, brought comfort to many people grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Mrs Carr said: “It would be a comfort to know the park will always be there unspoilt and peaceful, so people can remember happier times and be at peace with nature.”

Mr Carr, who is known for her volunteering work locally, said: “Parks like Pierremont must be protected from development of any kind and preserved for everyone to enjoy.”

Opposition to the plans to erect the new building in the park is growing, according to local resident Norman Thomas.

Mr Thomas said: “Every day people ring me and express their anger over the plans. People are horrified at the prospect of the loss of trees.”

“They simply don’t believe council reassurances that there will be minimum damage. Many people want a new community centre – but a small, local, much-loved park is absolutely the wrong place to build it.”

“And Broadstairs Town council still have serious questions to answer about the funding of the project and also their plans to re-landscape the park by planting semi-mature trees. We have it on good authority that these plans are not feasible. “

A meeting to discuss what to do next about trying to save the park will be held on Friday March 18th in the Park Hut, in Pierremont Park at 7.30pm.

“This is a crisis situation,” said Mr Thomas, “Anyone who feels strongly about what’s happening to our park should come and discuss what can be done.”

For more info or pictures contact Norman Thomas, 01843 604253


  1. What a load of spherical objects

  2. How disrespectful of 08.20. Why not answer rationally and sympathetically. Why be rude over such a public issue - and a sad personal story?

  3. Perhaps, Christine, because this is just another tear jerker attempt to gain support for a minority campaign.

    Many organisations are planning to use the new community centre which is not, as your leader claims, solely for the benefit of the council. One of the uses of the present dilapidated hut, which is fast going beyond economical repair, is for the town Mayor to entertain the veterans and others on Remembrance Sunday. Are those who have served our country also to be denied in pursuit of this minority cause.

    As secretary of the local branch of one veterans association I can assure you that our members fully support the new centre which will take less park land than the one to be demolished whilst providing a much needed facility.

    Yes, I would have sympathy with the lady who had a tree planted in memory of her daughter, but, if that was done with consent, presumably it can be replaced by one of the semi-mature specimens to be introduced as part of the new development and landscaping.

    This, of course, will not stop Mr. Thomas, for he has much previous for opposing everything and authority in general. He talks of cost and waste but totally disregards how much his campaigns can add to those costs by resultant delays.

  4. The deliberate lies and misinformation peddled by the Thanet Action Group know no limits or even bounds of decency.

    The subject tree, which also has a bench and plaque adjacent to it, is nowhere the area to be cleared in connection with the new community centre.


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