Thursday, 9 August 2012

I do not believe Simon Moores to be homophobic

I would like to retract the following statement that I made a number of months ago. I  currently have no opinion on the matter.
I wish to make it clear, that contrary to some of the nonsense being said on some blogs, I do not believe Simon Moores to be homophobic, as far as I am aware, he is not.

Councillor John Worrow
Thanet Independent Group LGBT representative.


  1. Which cllrs do you believe ARE homophobic then John?

  2. I do believe he has called every Conservative councillor homophobic so I imagine there will follow a statement for every one of them??? What about Tom King too - Worrow has accused him of homophobia too...apologies Worrow?

  3. I don't quite understand this - he says he would like to retract the following statement, which is that he doesn't believe Simon Moores to be homophobic. Why is he retracting that statement - does that mean he does believe that Cllr Moores is homophobic - or is it just illiterate writing?

    1. No, Anon, it probably means that he has had no publicity lately so he had to say something, even if it is nonsensical as usual, just to draw attention to himself again. One wonders, is JW not hetrophobic or does he simply dislike everybody other than himself.

  4. Im not entirely sure what he is retracting. He said the same thing back at Christmas. Its the same wording he had on Worrow's World, way back when.

  5. Maybe connected to shady goings on in Margate toilets?

  6. How can anyone be guilty of homophobic bullying of Worrow when he's just declared himself "straight" in his letter to the gazette.
    Didn't mention anything about a bar though.

    1. That was the quote from David Cameron

  7. Is there anyone left in Thanet who HASN'T been accused of homophobia by Worrow?


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