Monday, 13 August 2012

Cllr Ian Driver proposes a video motion at the next council meeting

I strongly believe that as long as its not too intrusive e.g. a battery of TV cameras - members of the press and public should have the right to record and relay all meetings of the Council - we are a democracy after all. 

This Council is committed to open and transparent governance. To this end Council agrees that the proceedings of meetings of the Council, the Cabinet and all other properly constituted committees, panels and working groups which are normally open to the public can be recorded and relayed provided that the recording and relaying is not disruptive to the conduct of business. Guidance on the definition of disruption will be set out in writing and the interpretation of this guidance will be the responsibility of the Chairman of the meeting . No broadcasting and relaying of proceedings will take place when members agree to exclude the press and public under Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)".
Cllr Ian Driver

1 comment:

  1. Bur will he do anything about the aquifer, the unpaid fines or the missing monitors.


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