Thursday 22 March 2012


For the first time ever Ramsgate residents will have a chance to choose who they want to be the new Mayor of Ramsgate.

But the winner won't get an official title – or any power -- but will be the People's Mayor.

The vote is being be organised by the new monthly events magazine Thanet Watch.

Thanet Watch editor Norman Thomas said: “Ramsgate is full of people with big personalities and enterprising ideas. It seems only right to give one of them a chance to show their vision for the town.”

Readers of the magazine will be invited to write in with their favourite candidate and reasons why they think she or he will good for Ramsgate 

The magazine has already had suggestions for candidates, Mr Thomas said.

“The front runners currently are the well-known figures Gerry O'Donnell and Ralph “Mr Ramsgate” Hoult,” he said. “But a very popular choice seems to be Andy Barrett landlord of the Belgian Cafe.”

Two women have been so far suggested, Mr Thomas said. “These are Brenda Blethyn, the actress, and Sue Kennedy, a campaigner against night flights from Manston.”

“People can vote for whoever they like,” Mr Thomas said, “But we do want to know why they're voting for them.”

More details of the vote and what will be offered to the “People's Mayor” will be included in an upcoming issue of the magazine.


  1. What is the point of having any kind of Mayor, or a Ramsgate Town Council, when the town still stinks from lack of street washing especially in the summer and the other basic needs of the community aren't being met? Supported by the RTC, is the so called night-time economy, the booze soaked, vomiting members of which spill out beyond the town centre at night creating havoc, disturbance and criminal damage for the rest of the community sapping ever decreasing Police and health services.
    Having a "Town Hall" that has no adequate meeting space for the community. It's a trading post, without anything useful like a people's bank or Citizen's advice. And the council themselves are cordoned off, with the grotesque austentatious red ropes, to the public with the appearance and as useful as a tableau in a wax works or museum.

    Really, what is this extra layer of government for, which costs the resident's of Ramsgate extra council tax, but seems to have only it's own agenda? Even with night-flights the Ramsgate Town Council was apparently too lazy or inept to conduct it's own factual consultation with the residents. Media wise it's useless and never seems to campaign on behalf of it's constituents or state what it is doing to earn it's precept!
    At present apart from a few fireworks displays and repeat festivals, what exactly is it for?

    1. You sound like the kind of person people should be looking for as a leader! Someone with a a questioning attitude towards all authorities and a sensible analysis of what Ramsgate needs.
      Thanet Watch


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