Thursday 1 March 2012

From Care of the Elderly to House of Lords Reform ...

A week of articles and controversy for me – a lot of people liked my article in the Telegraph on social care – because I think that social care is the most important issue facing this government.  Have a read ...
And others were less pleased by my approach to House of Lords Reform – I do not believe that we can have ANY part of our democracy appointed and not elected so I am for a fully elected house of lords. 
Have a look and I would like to know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I tend to feel that Laura makes a lot of sense normally, especially for Thanet, but not totally convinced on the House of Lords. The problem with elected representatives is the tendency to seek to please their own supporters.

    A second, scrutinising house, made up of people from a wide spectrum of experience, not dependent on votes, has much to offer in my view. Perhaps admission to that house should come when reaching a certain station in life regardless of political view and certainly not at the wishes of party leaders. When all said and done, the hereditary peers served us well for centuries and something similar could do likewise into the future.

    Look only to the USA for the problems arising out of two elected houses, often at political opposites. One house divorced from labels is no bad thing.

    Still love ya Laura!


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