Friday 30 December 2011


Statement from Cllr Clive Hart - TDC Leader.
"Shortly after the Council offices had closed for Christmas it was brought to my attention that the organiser of the the proposed new year fireworks display for Broadstairs was having problems and over the Christmas period I worked with the local MP and the Local Area Police Commander in an effort to resolve matters.
However, I am informed that during further discussions held straight after the Christmas break, the organiser decided to cancel the event.
I wish to make it absolutely clear this was NOT a TDC event".


  1. why dont we have them in ramsgate anymore on new years eve , last year we waited and nothing happened !

  2. Well you did not work hard enough, to much health and safety for my liking,another new year messed up by h and s

  3. Disgusted!!! Fireworks at Broadstairs a well known tradition..... until someone from the council and the police decides "NO" why health and safety........ how many years has this event gone off safely...... Years and Years but SUDDENLY!!! NO we have the "what if" people spoiling it!! THANKS. I understand Thorley Taverns were prepared to do whatever was needed so this event could still go ahead but then TIME was then the issue. I am Very disappointed and disgusted with the council and the police for spoiling 2011 New Years Eve Fireworks.


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