Saturday 26 November 2011

Conservative Group Press Release

Cllr Bob Bayford, the Leader of the Conservative Group at Thanet District Council, has been informed that Cllr John Worrow of Birchington South ward has resigned the Conservative Whip and now wishes to sit as an independent councillor.

Commenting on the resignation from the Conservative Group, Cllr Bayford said: “Naturally, I am disappointed by Cllr Worrow’s decision, which came as a surprise. I look forward to the by-election, which I am sure Cllr Worrow will call, to give the voters in his strongly Conservative ward, the opportunity to endorse his decision to cease representing them as a Conservative councillor. The Conservative Party was the basis for both his selection and recent election in Birchington South.”

He continued: “At a time when the country is facing significant financial and social challenges, Thanet has been making steady and measurable progress in a number of key areas. Tourism, led by the success of the Turner Contemporary, is showing very encouraging growth. Long-awaited urban regeneration is under way; exemplified by the success of our ‘No use empty’ programme and the transformation of Margate Old Town. We are also witnessing Ramsgate’s emergence as the port of choice for major players in the offshore wind-farm industry, with the result that demand for land at the port now exceeds supply.

The present Conservative administration is wholly focused on responsible financial management in presenting the 2012 -2013 budget. As a result, we have absorbed the cuts in our grants from government whilst maintaining front-line services. We are committed to maintaining our record of progress shown to date. In  the circumstances of what is now an evenly balanced council, with no single majority political group, it is vital for the residents of Thanet, that we be allowed to continue our programme of regeneration and financial common-sense, in the interests of achieving a better collective future in tough times.”


  1. My response to Councillor Bayford.

    My resignation from Bob Bayford's group was precipitated by the disdainful disregard, intransigence and procrastination shown on issues that particularly affected the Birchington community and Thanet .I understood, I was elected to represent people first and certainly not last.I find Cllr Bayford's remarks lamentable and presenting a double standard on expecting me to stand for re-election, when Sandy Ezekiel’s administration, of which he was a leading member, happily accepted, a Ramsgate First councillor, into their ranks without a call for a re- run of his election. And when a former Dane Valley councillor was found guilty of animal cruelty there was no call from Thanet council's version of the Conservative party, for him to stand down, after he became independent.

    I stood to do my best for the community and still consider that this is the only way forward. My future decisions will be freely based on what is most beneficial for the Birchington community and for Thanet without the dictate of an insensitive whip coming from Thanet council's unique version of the Conservative party.


  2. if john worrow is a man then the first thing he should do is call a by election now and not live off the backs of the people whom put him in office go now john while you have a little bit of respect left in your self

  3. i find your remarks very strange as you were only to quick to jump on the tory group when you won,ted to be elected and to a prime seat i think this proves what sort of person you realy are i would go now while you can still hold you head up ride off into the sunset now never to be seen again good bye john

  4. i think 16.33 is bang on good bye john never return how can you face the people whom put you in when you walk the streets of birchington i would put a bag over my head if i was you bye john

  5. John,
    You're very courageous for taking the stand that you have.
    I commend your actions and am sure that you will continue to strive your hardest for the people of Birchington.
    Wishing you all the best

  6. still with us john i thought you would have jumped on you sword by now then with your thick skin i surpose not

  7. how can this man work for the people of birchington under one ticket then jump ship if things don,t go his way will he jump again if he is not happy with the likes of j cohen and co mind you who will have him nobody me thinks so go now and never be seen again john bye bye

  8. At least his spelling & grammar is good.

  9. Peter I do sometimes wonder about semi coherent anonymous comment and which side of the argument it could be coming from, perhaps 16.29 16.33 17.31 15.19 and 15.29 are being generated as part of John’s secret weapon.

    “I was perused by semiliterate Conservatives who forced me to resign or go on wincing every time they wrote to me.” God help us all if this commentator finds the shift key, there will be multiple exclamation marks everywhere.

  10. Michael I'm guessing it's the same person who criticises every post of Simon's on Thanet Life.


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