Friday, 6 July 2012

Westgate-on-Sea by-election result

Jodie Sharon Hibbert (Labour) has been elected as Thanet District Council member for the Westgate-on-Sea ward.
 The result follows the by-election which took place yesterday (Thursday 5 July), and follows the sad death of Cllr Brian Goodwin.
 For the full results of the Wesgate-on-Sea ward, including the names of all candidates and the number of votes can be viewed on the council’s internet site.


  1. A fairly pointless result given no policies.

    What we have though now in Thanet is 4 parties: Lab, Con, UKIP and Independents.

    The Libdems are simply irrelevant - even nationally.

    A 30% turnout is feeble too: 70% of people not even voting is no mandate.

    The wider issue is that - a personal view - UKIP are unlikely to withdraw from Europe, and the cost of Europe is overrated. Certainly nothing can be done by local council elections.

    So we have two broader groups of Con/UKIP and Lab/Ind - ideally with greater responsiveness to the public.

    Although these groupings are often husband and wife/family teams reducing choice.

    Yet the previous choice of only Labour or Tory, often split along towns, is over.

    Whether though these two broad groups can control the cost of tax and civil servants is doubtful. None of the parties has bene able to improve one of the worst councils.

  2. TDC is not fit for purpose and needs major reform and the existing councillors haven't been able to do that in years.

  3. Why have TDC covered up Infratil and the monitors for 6 years? Do they not care about the public that vote and fund them?

    Are we just cashpoints and a distraction?

    1. Not Mr Aqtifer again? I was once a monitor in primary school, but nobody covered me up as I recall. Can't say I have ever been a cashpoint and being stuck in a wall waiting for the mechanical digger to strike does not appeal much. Still, if that's what presses your buttons, so be it. Mind you, some large breasted totty leaning over you to check her balance could be a distraction.

    2. what's the Manston aquifer to do with noise monitors being removed? Your comment is almost completely incoherent.

    3. Anon 11:49

      Whoever 09:58 is, he/she are just winding you up and you seem to be mug enough to fall for it.

  4. Whatever happened to KIACC? Do they only meet when Infratil tell them to? Another flight the other night when the airports closed and no fire cover after 5pm.

    1. KIACC meet regularly and are independent of Infratil. No flights operate without fire cover. Where do you get your jaundiced information? Oh, and what has all this got to do with the Westgate election?

    2. When was the last KIACC meeting - and minutes? When's the next meeting? TDC/Westgate elections are part of KIACC. KIACC hasn't done very well with the monitoring or flights paths has it?

      So far Infratil have led them by the nose.

    3. Why don't you get off your fat and find out instead of pestering others. It is you that wants to know, not me.

    4. So when are the KIACC meetings? they're meant to be monthly aren't they? Where are the minutes?

      They only happen when Infratil or TDC want to hustle through annoucements.

      And what is the TDC airport committee doing?

    5. Anon 20:51, I suggest you read your own comment and questions carefully for the answer are therein. Firstly you are just as capable as the rest of us, as you seem to have a computer with internet, of researching when the KIACC meetings are, so take the advise of 18:49 and find out. If, as you allege, these meetings only happen when Infratil or TDC want to push something though, perhaps it is better if they don't happen too frequently.

      As for the TDC, ring them up and ask them or approach your ward councillor. Truth is though that you do not really want answers, just the opportunity to have your whinge on line hoping that the rest of us are going to be somehow influenced by your jaundiced opinions. In your dreams I think is the answer to that.

    6. So you don't know when the KIACC meetings are either?

      It's quite important isn't it to have the meeting dates and minutes for regulating the airport. At the very least Infratil could walk away without paying the missing fines.

      What about the councillors airport committee too, what's that doing about the water supply under the runway?

    7. I do know when the meetings are and I even know several people on the committee. It is you that is asking the questions so, I say again, just take the trouble to find out yourself. Presumably you do have a ward district councillor so direct your queries to him/her.

    8. So when are the KIACC meetings Tom?

    9. As you have been told by several people, find out. I'm just on here for fun, not as your slave.

    10. You were the one who said you knew about the KIACC meetings Tom. Sounds like you know nothing apart from empty statements on blogs. For fun? Sounds very sad.

      Anyone know when are the KIACC meetings and where are the minutes?

    11. Yeah, me old dad knows but he wont tell you.

  5. Anon, 22:53, people are winding you up and you are falling for it every time. If you put KIACC into your search engine you will find a host of sites where you can get information about meetings. Similarly if you visit the NO TO Night Flights blog, you will find out even more.

    There is also a thing called 'Freedom of Information' which enables you to make FOI requests of councils, Thanet or KCC in this case, to get answers to specific questions if dealt with by those councils. Far better to do a bit of ground work, get some information and then, if you wish, come back and hit us with it.

    All your query comments about when are meetings and where are the minutes just make you look a clueless idiot and set you up to be knocked down by the abundance of folk who enjoy doing just that around the blogs.

    1. Not really 09:08 I thought Tom Clarke looked a clueless idiot for claiming to know when KIACC meetings are held.

      You don't seem much better: there is only the MAG link where it seems the last KIACC meeting was in 2008?

      There is no KIACC/TDC website for regulating Manston even now - remember Infratil refusing to allow complaints?

      An FOI request for KIACC meetings and minutes and the airports? You must be joking or work for Infratil.

    2. Watching this exchange with interest, I decided to go on line to see what I could discover and promptly found a report by Andrew Woodman, of the IOTG, on a meeting of the airport committee in November last. Quite where 21:48 gets his 2008 from then I do not know for I really did not have to search very hard. Also discovered that the chairman is Paul Twyman, a well known Thanet figure, so what chummy above is going on about on lack of information beats me.

      He then has the cheek to dismiss everybody else that comments as idiots. If ever there was a clueless idiot of a merchant banker round here, 21:48 takes the biscuit.

    3. Well done Carl. Where's the weblink to last November? The MAG weblink has meetings only until 2008 if you read it. There is the Paul Twyman report on the MAG link too with concerns on Infratil/TDC transparency, pollution etc.

      I thought Tom Clarke was bandying insults around and now you?

      When's the next KIACC meeting if you're so clever?

    4. Well I can quite see why so many others have given up on you for you are complete waste of space. I found the link to Andrew WSoodman's report on the November 2011 meeting with absolute ease so why can't you or is it an IQ thing. If it is, then my apolgies because clearly you cannot help that, but, if it is just idleness or your apparent desire to respond to everyone with both a question and an insult then GFY.

    5. Get a grip Smidt. If you have a weblink from 8 months ago then why not post it?

      The MAG link above ends in 2008 as you can see - and to be fair they're not KIACC.

      And when is the next KIACC meeting?

    6. You are just a rather rude obnoxiuous bore.

    7. Just childish Smidt.The KIACC meeting would detail fines, pollution etc. Or is the TDC Airport Committee now doing that?

    8. Surely the childish one is he who responds to someone called Smidt on a Thanet blogsite. Says it all I reckon.


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