Monday, 16 July 2012


An amended scheme for a Broadstairs Town Council Community Centre in Pierremont Park should come back before the TDC cabinet on July 26th. After much behind the scenes work to protect open green space in the park carried out by TDC Leader, Clive Hart, Deputy Leader, Alan Poole, and Broadstairs councillor, Jenny Matterface, an amended scheme will now be considered at TDC Cabinet on July 26th.

Cllr. Matterface said, ‘The revised scheme has saved the park from an intrusive building since it follows more closely the footprint of the existing Park Hall rather than the original scheme submitted to Cabinet in January. The demolition of the old Age Concern building to create a formal garden will enhance the park. I do, however, still have real concerns over the financial burden this project will impose on the council taxpayers of Broadstairs and St. Peter’s at a time when many residents struggle to pay bills.’

Cllr Alan Poole said “The final decision to build a community centre in Pierremont Park is a matter for Broadstairs Town Council and the TDC Planning Committee but I am pleased that the new scheme does at least protect much-loved public open green space”
Cllr Clive Hart said “I am very grateful to Cllr Poole and Cllr Matterface for all their help in protecting our environment. Thanet’s parks are wonderful green spaces that bring tranquil beauty into busy urban areas and our administration will fight to preserve them whenever and wherever they are threatened ”.

Published by Thanet Labour Group Press Office, 44 Northdown Road, Margate, CT9 3DP.


  1. Considering the proposal, earlier rejected by Labour on taking over TDC, actually had a smaller footprint than the buildings to be demolished, thus creating more park space, one that is the same size hardly seems a step forward. No doubt Red Hall will add their victory trumpetting to the back slapping in Labour circles, but, as a Broadstairs tax payer, this seems to have been more an exercise in petty politics than any benefit to me.

  2. Have a look at for a new film about the whole issue.

    1. Why, I don't read red rubbish and isn't this mutual back slapping exactly what Tom Clarke predicted. Sod the Broadstairs electorate, who just over a year ago elected thirteen councillors out of fifteen who supported the proposed new community centre, for Labour must have their way. Anyway, Christine, I thought you said Broadstairs didn't need a community centre or is it OK when Labour are proposing one.

    2. These people have no shame and think the public are stupid - that's why they think we will soak up their hypocrisy. They have no self insight as to how stupid they now look - that includes Labour and their red hall apologists.


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