Thursday, 26 July 2012


Thanet District Council’s Cabinet have given conditional agreement to revised plans for the proposed new community centre next to Pierremont Hall in Broadstairs.

Plans for a replacement for Park Hall were originally considered by the Cabinet on 5 January 2012, but the original design was not acceptable as it was considered to have far too great a detrimental impact on Pierremont Park.

Subsequent discussions between Thanet District Council, the Community Centre Trust and Broadstairs & St. Peter’s Town Council have led to improvements in the layout that have a much reduced impact on the park.

The revised design also offers a better connection to Pierremont Hall, and is more aligned with the council’s aims of preserving open space as set out in its new Corporate Plan.

Cabinet’s conditional agreement to the revised design for the community centre represents the first stage of the project coming to fruition.

If the proposals do proceed, Cabinet has agreed to the section 106 funding from the Ellington and Hereson School site to be provided to the Trust to fund the project in association with other funding streams.

The Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Commercial Services, Cllr Alan Poole, said: “When the outline plan for the community centre was originally submitted to Cabinet we couldn’t approve some aspects of the building’s design, as it adversely impacted on the park.

“The revised plan represents an improvement, and has addressed our original concerns.”


  1. How quickly memories fade. The council did not reject the plans back in January, for they already had planning approval, but simply refused to grant the lease required. They acted on the recommendations of one Broadstairs Labour councillor and ignored the rest of the town council, the Community Centre Trust and the people of the town. Democracy Labour style in action.

  2. The Report for this item said TDC would be giving a £600k contribution to this but the Decision Notice says £200k. I dont recall the Cabinet meeting having any reference to £200k, so Im guessing there will be an amended Decision Notice this week correcting that figure.

  3. I have checked this today and believe it to be a typographical error which will be swiftly corrected

  4. Its now been corrected on the agenda and decision sheet. Thanks Chris for following that up.


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