Sunday, 15 July 2012

Sandys Welcomes Social Care Reform For Residents of Thanet

Following the Government’s publication on Social Care Reform, Laura Sandys, MP for South Thanet, who cared for her Father when she was younger, said:
“Today’s White Paper draws a line under the ‘caring by the minute’ payment culture which removed all dignity and compassion from the care system for our elderly friends and relatives. Under the old care arrangements, so many families were left confused by the maze-like system that left people with no idea of where to turn for help. This will now all change.
“The new care arrangements will place people at the heart of the service high quality care with dignity and respect:
·         Care will be charged by quality and service, not by the clock;
·         Personal budgets will be given to individuals so they have more say in how they would like to be cared for;
·         Families can find out about local help and support through a single website;
·         Carers will now have to subscribe to formal training and a Code of Conduct to ensure our elderly are treated with compassion;
·         And plans for specialised housing will ensure people can remain independent for longer.”
Following the Secretary of State, Andrew Lansley MP’s, statement to Parliament, Laura intervened to ask the Health Secretary what more could be done to ensure care was focused around early intervention, not crisis management. Laura has long campaigned for measures which will ensure that the elderly can remain independent, at home, for longer.

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