Monday, 2 July 2012

Cllrs Driver and Harrison – Lies and Hypocrisy

The TDC Conservative Group notes with interest that Cllr Ian Driver and Cllr Mike Harrison have agreed to work together, after Cllr Harrison referred to Cllr Driver as a ‘shirt lifting gender bender’.

Conservative Group Leader, Cllr Bob Bayford commented: “This is a cynical arrangement which ensures that both parties continue to exercise influence via the Overview and Scrutiny Panel and both continue to collect their Special Responsibility Allowances for doing so. 

“Before receiving an Harrassment Notice from Kent Police and admitting that ‘I probably did say them things (sic)’, Cllr Harrison claimed on several occasions that his Facebook account had been hacked by the Conservative Group in an attempt to smear him.  He has never apologised for these outrageous lies. The Labour Group has failed to call him to account for this.

“They have also failed to officially register Cllr Harrison’s derisory one month’s suspension, a period which did not include a single council meeting.”

The sudden announcement of the Councillors’ rapprochement came just days after Cllr Driver was quoted in the Isle of Thanet Gazette on 22 June as saying: “There is no place for misogyny and homophobia in politics.  If you put yourself up for public office to represent people, that must include everyone regardless of their gender or sexuality.  If you have these views, you are not fit for public office.”


  1. No wonder Thanet's in the state it's in. If we continue to elect such nasty vindictive little people, we can hardly complain when they make stupid decisions to the detriment of all of us. This isn't a party political point because the Tories have their own miscreants. However, in this case it really doesn't reflect well on the Labour Group that they have failed to act more vigorously when presented with such such incontrovertible evidence. If it isn't true that the Tories hacked into Harrison's account, this allegation alone should be sufficient to have him disbarred from local politics.

  2. The stupidity of appearing on television to lie, and accuse others of hacking his facebook account to discredit him, should be enough alone to disbar him from any public office of responsibility. The man is a dinasour that thinks its smart to abuse women, and a homophobe that thinks it acceptable to abuse gays. Sack him!


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