Thursday 4 July 2013

Kent Green Party Opposes Closure of KCC Childrens Centres

Thanet Green Party Councillor, Ian Driver,  has condemned KCCs  plans to close 23 of Kent’s 97 Children's Centres and reduce the opening hours of another 13 including the Garlinge, Callis Grange and Birchington centres in Thanet who will have their opening times slashed by half.
Driver said  “Kents Children’s centres have played a vitally important support role for families across the county. They pioneered an integrated approach to service delivery, bringing together under one roof,  health, social care, advice and education which  helped our  youngsters  get off to the best possible start in life. To cut this vital  service on a such a massive scale will cause serious hardship for thousands of children and their families. If ever there was an ill-conceived  false economy this must it!.”
Driver added  "The Kent Green Party will be  campaigning against these cuts and Martin Whybrow  our Green Party KCC councillor for Hythe will doing all he can to stop the plans. We appeal to Kent people  to lobby their County Councillors to vote against the plan. We also encourage people to take part in  KCCs online consultation at
and express their opposition to these plans


  1. Well said Cllr Driver. With a budget of £2BN and 40,000 civil servants why are KCC closing 23 youth clubs and children centres? We need more of these and they cost pennies.

    Same with care homes and missing children.

    Too many of Carter's tarmac schemes. Wasn't it £23M on two miles of the Road to Nowhere at Pfizer? And several bridges over the Thames now while chopping down the streetlights as well as the trees?

  2. Well, apart from the usual suspect, that hardly attracted a mass of support.

  3. What I dont understand is why Cllr Driver never mentioned any of this when he stood for recent County Council elections. As I recall the Labour Party candidates were constantly referencing the intended closures and being told by the Tories that there were no such plans and that they were "scaremongering" Less than 3 months later this bombshell arrives. For Cllr Driver its another bandwagon. Cllr Driver, as Hughie Green used to say "Opportunity Knocks"

    1. That's Driver for you. What bandwagon did he ever see through to its destination? Usually leaps off one onto another going in a different direction.

  4. Ramsgate Town Council meeting tonight on Pleasurama presumably to formally close it. Why has it not been turfed for the summer season.

    We need a vote of no confidence in these doublehatters from TDC doing nothing. Port closed. And almost no events as of mid-July. and rampant corruption and failure at TDC.


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