Thursday 22 October 2009


Roxy the dog has been helping local primary school children in Ramsgate understand the issues of dog fouling.

Dog fouling was identified by PACT panels (Partners and Communities Together) in the Central Harbour, Eastcliff and Newington areas of Ramsgate as a priority for them. To help tackle the problem, PCSOs, community wardens and council officers have been visiting local primary schools to discuss the penalties and the problems that failing to pick up after your dog causes.

An interactive game was used to show children how to pick up after their dogs and use dog bins correction, with a special visit from Roxy, a two year old Pomerian. Talks were also given by the local PCSO and the council’s waste education officer.

The children were asked to design new signs, with messages about dog fouling, which will be then be judged by the Mayor of Ramsgate and the Chairman of Thanet Council, with the winning sign displayed in parks and open areas initially just in Ramsgate, in the new year.

Jessica Bailey, Community Safety Coordinator, said: “Local people said dog fouling was a priority for them in these areas and we’ve listened to that and acted. This initiative aims to get primary school children thinking about the issues associated with dog fouling. Dog owners need to be responsible and pick up after their dogs, using the dog bins provided. If they fail to do so, they risk an £80 fine. It’s as simple as that. We’ve also been getting the message across about the health issues linked to dog fouling. It can be dangerous, with the disease Toxcariasis passed out in dog faeces, which can be passed to young children.”

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