Saturday, 7 December 2013

TDC Conservative Group wins vote to invite Independent Members of Standards Committee to resume their roles

At last night’s Council meeting, Conservative Group leader, Cllr Bob Bayford, submitted a motion amendment inviting the Independent Members of the Standards Committee, who resigned following a barrage of criticism from the Labour cabinet and members, to resume their roles on the Committee.

The motion was passed unanimously and called for the Chief Executive to request the resigned Independent Members to reconsider their positions, rescind their resignations and resume their duties with immediate effect.

TDC Leader, Clive Hart, continued to deny that the Labour Party bore any responsibility for the low public perception of the Council, repeating his claims that the Conservative Party, the public, press and government were all to blame.

Cllr Hart had earlier read out a long list of his administration’s ‘achievements’, the vast majority of which were, in fact, conceived and initiated by the previous Conservative administration.  In response to the Leader, Cllr Bayford said: “the Leader is completely missing the point.  It really doesn’t matter what he or I think.  It is the opinions of our residents that count.  We must listen to them.  He ignores them at his peril.”


  1. Best speech of the night was by Martin Wise

  2. Comment on the debate issue from Laura Sandys

    I am extremely disappointed that Thanet’s Labour Councillors, including Parliamentary Candidate for South Thanet Will Scobie, have voted to block a council debate on the EU Referendum.

    Thanet residents deserve a choice on the EU. Not only have Labour Councillors made clear that they are absolutely against giving them that choice, they won't even allow an open and democratic debate on the issue.

    Labour have shown themselves to be arrogant, out of touch and more concerned with their political interests than with addressing the real concerns of Thanet residents.

    I am calling on Labour Councillors, specifically Parliamentary Candidate Will Scobie, to justify their refusal to debate the issue and to explain why they are against granting people their democratic right to a vote on the EU.

    1. With you all the way on this one, Barry. Labour's refusal to even debate this issue is worrying and demonstrates the lip service they pay to democracy. Are they worried that the people might want to leave the EU?


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