Monday, 28 January 2013

Motion on Royal Sands

Ed. I have published this with Cllr Driver's intro email as it makes more sense that way:

I would be grateful if you could publish the attached motion to Thanet Council on Royal Sands.

Although I welcome Cabinet's decision to follow my advice and request an options report, should SFP Ventures fail to come up with finance, I am concerned that Cabinet appear to want to consider such a report without full Council having first expressed it views.
I don't think that this approach is as open and transparent as it could be. This is a very complex issue and there is a high level of public interest. As many Councillors as possible must therefore be involved in the discussions.
 Motion on Royal Sands

Council welcomes Cabinet's decision to call for an options report should SFP Ventures (UK) Ltd fail to secure sufficient and verifiable financial backing to sign a revised development agreement with the Council within a 4 month time frame.

Council notes that the Royal Sands development is of great interest to the public and elected members.

If it becomes necessary to produce an options report then Council recommends to Cabinet that this report should first be discussed by a meeting of full Council. The views of Council can then be taken into account by Cabinet before it makes any decisions on the future of the Royal Sands development and SFP Ventures (UK) Ltd.

Council notes that this approach is in keeping with Cabinet's declared commitment to openness and consultation and that this approach demonstrates that Cabinet is aware of the considerable public & elected member interest in this subject.

Moved by Councillor Ian Driver


  1. Motion for motions sake. Getting boring now

  2. I trust any options report will be produced from an impartial and professional source and not some muppet from within TDC who has been instructed what to say.

  3. Any report coming from within TDC will be a whitewash.

  4. Agree on TDC whitewash: too many councillors and civil servants involved and careers to protect. But good for Driver alone in raising Pleasurama. Same with Manston monitors and Thor contamination. Cancel Pleasurama as soon as possible and call in the police. Did Ramsgate Labour keep their China Gateway donation-bung?

    Looks like a big clear-out of our useless politicians in the May elections.

    1. May elections are for County, not District...

      At the risk of saying something stupid, can this happen by those Councillors interested in the options paper speaking at the Cabinet meeting under Council Procedure 24.1? Driver is aware of this having spoken under 24.1 at the last Cabinet meeting.

    2. James, many of the County councillors are District too - and Town. Massive dupication and waste. A clearout of double and triple hatters would be a step forward. And a pledge from councillors to only stand for one seat. And to sack more civil servants more often. We're paying for failure and corruption and cancer. Silent councillors will be sacked.

    3. You know that silent councillors will be sacked for a fact do you, 18:40. There was me thinking you couldn't get any sillier and once again you prove me wrong.

    4. Has Clarkey nothing better to do than blog insults? He's boring and stupid. Silent concillors will be sacked - look at Latchford and Samuel, White, Panama, and Ladyman and Bob and now Clive and Sandys and Gale. The civil servants are cashing in with salaries and pensiions and laughing at these fools.

    5. I rest my case. You are evidently so well inyo the land of the cuckoo now, 23;27, that some sanctuary for the sadly demented is the obvious next stop. Meantime I will debate sensibly with other folk elsewhere.

    6. Surely there are other dull Thanet pensioners beside Clarkey that could post their sad little comments to while away their retirement? Where are Holyer and Mallinson when we need their idiocy to back up Tom? Latchford et al have been sacked or have they not?

    7. I doubt there are any pensioners quite as dull as you, 15:53, and, for the record, I am not retired. Allan Mallinson, who I know, is certainly not a pensioner and, although John Holyer is, from the quality of his comments he retains a lot more brain cells than you ever started out with.
      If you really must be so persistent with your pathetuic little insults, how about dreaming up some that do not either relate to age or IQ. It may surprise you to know that age is not in itself an indicator of lack of intellect, only when senility sets in as with you.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Tom Clarke's remark was removed because he has very low moral standards

    1. Once again, 22:02, you demonstrate your appalling lack of grasp of what is going on around you. The comment was removed by the author, that is me, Tom Clarke, and not the blog administrator, simply because of a typographical error.

      Sadly you are the epitome of the angry old man, full of bitterness, yet lacking the intellect to make a proper case for the things that concern you. Next time get your carer to help you.


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