Wednesday, 17 February 2010


The lowest increase to Thanet District Council's share of the Council Tax in at least a decade, of just 2.46%, has been proposed.

That would mean an increase for the average household of just £5.13 a year, which means a rise of less than 10p per week for the vast majority of homes in Thanet, which fall into Bands A to C. The council is also forecasting rises in its part of the Council Tax of just 2.5% for the following four years.

This comes despite the grim financial climate, with the council budgeting for a 3% cut in the money it receives from central government in the three years from 2011/12. As a result, the council will need to save an estimated £6.3 million over the next five years.

The council has already seen its income decline by £762,000 in 2009/10, which has added to the pressure on the council's budget. This includes reductions in the income from parking, planning fees, land charges and bulky waste collections.

Cllr. Martin Wise, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services, said: "There are always pressures on the council's budget, but those pressures have been more intense than ever this year. We've already had to take swift action to deal with the reductions we've seen in our income levels over the past 12 months. Thanks to that prompt action, we've been able to produce a balanced budget, not just for 2010/11, but for the following four years as well. In all of those years, we're looking at an increase in our share of the Council Tax of no more than 2.5%, which I'm sure will be warmly welcomed by local people. Bearing in mind the pressures we're facing, that's no mean feat and I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the officers who've been able to help deliver this."

1 comment:

  1. That's because the services provided are also the lowest for a decade. (at least)


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