Tuesday 2 February 2010



Councillors Linda Aldred, Doug Clark and Clive Hart are generally very pleased with progress on the Cliftonville Development Plan document that has now been seen and commented on by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (response received 01/02/2010).

However, the Cliftonville West ward councillors, along with many residents groups representing their area, are disappointed that Thanet District Council chose not to back their request for larger minimum sizes for new dwellings.

TDC provided no evidence for the Cliftonville Development Plan inspector which would inform him of the appropriate size range for flats in the Cliftonville DPD area, and nor have TDC conducted any public consultation on suggested size limitation.

Health & Education promoter Cllr Linda Aldred said "there are many studies that link poor health to cramped living conditions and too many parts of Thanet suffer very poor health standards".

Justice of the Peace Cllr. Doug Clark said "we are very concerned about the frustrating effect that living in cramped and densely populated areas can have on mental health and crime".

Consequently, all three ward councillors have contacted the TDC Chief Executive and Head of Development Services proposing a broader solution to these problems:

TDC Opposition Leader Cllr Clive Hart said "as Thanet District Council expressed the view in the DPD document, that any size limitation should be decided for the whole District and not just for Cliftonville, we have called on TDC to immediately put in process a consultation with Thanet residents and arrange a debate among all council members to consider what size limitation would be appropriate for the district as a whole".

All three councillors have written jointly to Richard Samuel and Brian White to make the request.

PICTURE ATTACHED - Cllrs. Clive Hart, Linda Aldred & Clive Hart.

Published by Cllrs Aldred, Clark & Hart - 44 Northdown Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 2RW.


'Many of the respondents were concerned that the Council should review its guidelines concerning the size of flats, setting minimum sizes, and that its lack blunted the effectiveness of this policy. However, I have not seen any evidence which suggests that flat sizes should be different in different parts of the district. So I have no reason to disagree with the Council’s expressed view that any size limitation should be decided for the whole District and not just for Cliftonville. More importantly, the Council does not have any evidence which would inform the appropriate size range for flats in the DPD area, and nor has there been any evidence-based proposal for a specific size limitation which has been the subject of public consultation. Because of these last two points I could not introduce such a change to the policy at this late stage'.

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