Thursday 24 March 2011


A Ramsgate roundabout has been given a new lease of life, thanks to the council’s Environmental Action Programme.

The roundabout, located at the entrance to the Port of Ramsgate, had initially been planted with shrubs, but some had suffered in the windy conditions along the coastline. Sand being blown off the nearby beach had also built up on the roundabout.

To solve the problem, council officers used some timber, along with an anchor and some shipping rope from the Ramsgate Royal Harbour Marina to put together a feature on the roundabout, reflecting Ramsgate’s maritime connections.

Paul Verrall, Interim Parks Manager, said: “The new design aims to provide more of a feature to people arriving at or leaving from the Port of Ramsgate and those looking down from the clifftop promenade above. Not only does the design reflect the town’s continuing maritime connections, but as there no plants on the roundabout, it reduces the council’s ongoing maintenance costs. I’d like to thank our contractors who carried out the installation work on site and have made it look so good.”

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