Friday 3 September 2010



Extraordinary Overview and Scrutiny Panel – 08 September 2010


Comment from Cllr Clive Hart - Leader of the Opposition & a Cliftonville West Ward Councillor:

"I'm pleased that following public concern the Conservative Cabinet decision to 'gift' the current 1,300+ sq mtr open green public space in Dalby Square to developers has been 'called in' by the Chairman of the TDC Overview and Scrutiny committee for further discussion.

As ward councillors Cllr Aldred, Cllr Clark and I have sincere misgivings about the content of the original cabinet report which recommended that the land be given away by TDC. At the original cabinet meeting on 5th August we voiced our joint concerns regarding some serious omissions and I understand further shortcomings in the report may have come to light since that cabinet meeting".


The formal reasons reasons for the call in have now been given by the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel. The Chairman requested that the Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager call in the Cabinet decision regarding the development of Dalby Square, made at its meeting on 5 August 2010. The Chairman has on behalf of the Panel invited the Cabinet Member for Community Services, the Director of Regeneration and Director of Community Services to attend and give evidence at the meeting.

The formal reasons given in the TDC published agenda are:
1) There is no mention of the value of the land to be gifted to Town & Country,
2) There is no information on discussions regarding the land to be gifted nor is there information on how and by whom this recommendation was arrived at,
3) There is no map to help inform Members decision,
4) There is no evidence that this complete piece of land has been through the Councils Asset Disposal process,
5) There is no information on the results of the Consultation Process held on 14 July,
6) The report refers to ‘official consultation’ that will start when the planning application has been validated expected to be week com 26 July. As the decision to dispose had not yet been made, how is this possible?
7) Has any consideration been given to a previous scheme for this site?
8) That this decision should not have been made until the results of the planning consultation mentioned above are known.

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