Tuesday 14 February 2012

ONLINE PETITION - Fight for Richborough, Keep our Recycling

Dear Residents
Please follow the link to sign the online petition if you want to prevent the closure of Richborough Household Waste and Recycling site by Kent County Council. 
 If residents have to use the Margate site I believe it will lead to: More traffic around Westwood Cross.   Longer journeys for residents.  Increased waiting times at the Margate site.  Increased fly tipping -  the cost will fall upon Thanet Residents as this is aThanet Council responsibility.  If you agree please sign and forward. 

Click the link below to view or sign the Online petition
Many thanks
Elizabeth Green - KCC Cllr for Ramsgate 


  1. They will be stepping back 50 years if they shut this well used facility who are the brainless morons that come up with these stupid ideas to save money I just hope sense prevails

  2. Could understand it if it was not being used, but every time I use it there is always plenty of other people there. I think you are 100% correct about the risk of increased fly-tipping

  3. Thgis to close when a £40 charge to start for recycling - this to occur before new power station next door in a few years time will be burning up waste (too close to be logical?) - this to occur as a precedent to charges above Council Tax charges (what next to be charged extra?)- this to occur with minimum exposure which is the stuff of how local government Heads of Dept seek to push through dubious cost-cutting short-termism decisions - this to occur when we are meant to be going green and to reduce fly-tipping. Is this something that anyonbe can justify?

  4. Now lets see...What do you do when you have a brilliant recycling plant, available from a good fast road which will never suffer from queues? Well run, clean as a whistle and away from any local housing so no likelihood of nuisance. It's close by the other Thanet waste amenity, so shared resources are available and now with the new power plant which will burn waste coming on it's a planner's dream come true. Isn't it?
    So what are our local gurus going to do?
    Close it?
    Pass them the brain-cell please.


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