Wednesday 14 November 2012

Thanet landlords dismayed by the High Court decision

The Southern Landlords Association (SLA) is most concerned by the Judgment that was handed down by Mr Justice Cranston on Tuesday November 13th in the High Court in London.  The High Court found in favour of Thanet District Council (TDC) that the introduction of selective licensing in the wards of Margate Central and Cliftonville West is lawful.

Peter Littlewood, spokesman for the SLA stated that “the decision to take Thanet District Council to court had not been brought lightly.  The SLA still considers that the Council has not acted in the interests of the majority of law abiding landlords or the residents of the Margate and Cliftonville area. In challenging the decision to introduce Selective License the SLA acted in the best interests of its members in the area who are affected by it.”

The SLA still considers that low demand for properties in the Margate and Cliftonville area does not exist.  Only that the mix of tenants/home owners is unbalanced directly as a consequence of TDC planning policies, nor that anti-social behaviour in the area can be as a result of landlords failing to control tenants within their properties.

To date achievements achieved by TDC relate to safety and fire standards, not to reductions in ASB.
He went on to say they were anxious to continue to working with Council to continue to assist them with improvements in the area.

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