Thursday, 13 September 2012

Ramsgate Live Animal Exports 46 Sheep Dead. 2 Arrested. Senior Councillor Demands Full Investigation and Ban on Further Exports

Chairman of Thanet Council Overview & Scrutiny Panel,  Councillor Ian Driver has called for an immediate ban on further exports of live farm animals from the port of Ramsgate and a  full investigation into events which led to the deaths of  45 sheep at the Port of Ramsgate on Wednesday 12 September.
According to reports from the  RSPCA 2 sheep were destroyed following injuries sustained in transport to Ramsgate.  2 more sheep were drowned after falling into the sea at the port and 41 other sheep were destroyed by vets because they were unfit to travel.
Inspectors from DEFRA Animal Health & the RSPCA stopped  one of the  7  lorries  carrying an estimated  3,500 sheep  from embarking  on the ferry Joline and continuing its journey because  of concerns about mechanical issues and worries  about the welfare  of the 550 sheep on board. It is understood that  the lorry has been impounded for breaching  EU  regulations & the driver and his assistant have been arrested by Kent Police.
Said Driver,”I was at the port today and witnessed the unloading of the lorry. I felt physically sick by what I saw and  understand that many of the animals taken from the lorry have had to be destroyed because they were  ill or injured.  It’s a tragic  co-incidence, but on 7 September  Thanet Council  wrote to Government Environment Minister Owen Patterson MP, expressing serious concerns about the shipments of live farm animals from Ramsgate and asking for permission to stop further exports. 5 days later, these terrible events have shown our concerns to be fully justified”.
“In light of what has happened  over the past 2 weeks and the tragic events of today I do not believe that Thanet Council can ensure  the welfare of animals exported from Ramsgate Port. I therefore call on the Council to immediately ban any further exports. I will also be taking steps to set up a full Overview and Scrutiny investigation  into the awful events at the port today”.


  1. Agreed about the state of affairs at Ramsgate port. BBC News puts a bit more flesh on the bones of this story reporting that Laura Sandys and the RSPCA chief will meet Ministers today. My only concern is about setting up another OSP Working Party, even as a Task & Finish one. Not saying the issue doesn't need attention, but asking whether there's enough in OSP to give it due focus with so much else on the Panel's plate.

  2. Shame on tdc poor animals needlessly slaughtered thanks to the inaction of the chief executive, what a kind caring woman she is


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