Wednesday 14 December 2011


Monday evenings extraordinary TDC Cabinet was the first to take place since Labour gained control of Thanet District Council last week and immediately, there was a very different style and approach to matters.
The cabinet was made up of a group of three men and two women, an offer to include the two other political leaders in a fact finding mission was made and on one particular item the whole cabinet team decided to visit the area concerned to gain in depth practical knowledge before making a decision.
Council Leader and Cabinet Chairman Cllr Clive Hart said:
"There are three very significant changes in the Labour teams approach to cabinet business.
Firstly, I'm delighted to be supported in our cabinet by two men and two women who each bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. Just as importantly, every member of our cabinet is a 'hands-on' councillor with practical common sense and excellent interpersonal skills.
Secondly, whenever necessary, and as a team, we will go out into the community concerned to see and hear for ourselves exactly what the situation is 'on the ground'.
Lastly, whilst maintaining ultimate control over cabinet decisions, we will endeavor to include the leaders of the other two political groups in fact finding projects affecting the residents of Thanet.
Our approach will be as fair, open, transparent and inclusive as is practical and possible".
Note: At item 7 of Monday's TDC Cabinet agenda, Proposed Development - Hartsdown and Tivoli Park. The cabinet team unanimously agreed to visit the site to see and hear pertinent matters regarding the proposal. The Leaders of the other two political groups were invited to join the site visit which will take place at 2pm on Thursday 22nd December.

Published by Thanet Labour Group Press Office - 44 Northdown Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 2RW


  1. There has been a full public consultation process and everyone involved is quite familiar with Hartsdown park and the plans. With planning permission granted this is simply a question of whether a 125 year lease will be granted in order to build the hotel and that is really a matter for full council to decide. Anything else is simply cynical political posturing.

  2. No sorry Simmon it is so members get £22.50 visiting fee or what ever the amount is nowadays


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