Friday, 10 December 2010

SHADOW UPDATE - 10/12/2010


Labour Shadow Team comments & questions for Friday afternoons TDC Cabinet meeting.

INTRODUCTION - Labour Group Leader - Cllr. Clive Hart.
This meeting was originally scheduled for last Thursday 2nd December at 7pm but was postponed due to weather conditions.
Cllr Richard Nicholson, our Shadow Member for Regeneration was unfortunately unable to attend this late rescheduled (early afternoon) meeting so at times I spoke on his behalf and asked some of his questions.
Cllr. Clive Hart - Phone: 01843 298770
Cllr Alan Poole - Shadow Cabinet Deputy Leader & Shadow Member for Environmental Services.
I am pleased to note that the Petition Organiser is satisfied that all the agreed work has been undertaken.

However, I am not too sure from the dialogue whether all the money from the sale of Manston Road site has been allocated for allotment improvements. The dialogue implies that there is a residual amount of money that will go in to the general fund.

Can you explain this please as I feel all the money from the sale of the Manston Road allotments should go towards improving our allotments?

Cllr. Alan Poole - Phone: 01843 602594
Cllr Clive Hart - Leader of the Opposition.
Who is the TDC member representative on the Steering Committee?
Also who is the officer representing TDC on this?
If this goes forward we enter into a “partnership Agreement. If this does not go ahead for whatever reason, what is plan B?
TDC Committee Members - Cllr Latchford, the Director of Regeneration & the Port Manager.
As for plan B - told 'wait until we know in February'.
Cllr. Clive Hart - Phone: 01843 298770

Cllr. Richard Nicholson - Phone: 01843 580057
Cllr Clive Hart - Leader of the Opposition & Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance.
Two matters - both on Theme 2 - Safe Neighbourhoods.
Firstly, can we please be informed of the exact situation regarding ward PACT (Partners & Communities Together) meetings? We understand these meetings have varied in effectiveness across Thanet but we are very concerned about ending any of them. If any are to be ended, what will take their place? Will we return to Local Management Boards?
Secondly, can someone please explain the following 'performance measures' chart on page 103 of the report?
Number of forums held. Target 0. Actual 0. Action delivered.
% of people with no issues (police hand held survey). Target 56%. Actual ? Action delivered.
Average number of residents attending each open forum. Target 0. Actual 0. Action delivered.
Number of months to completion. Target 6. Actual 6. Action delivered.
Amount spent so far. Target £0. Actual £0. Action delivered.
Further expenditure expected. Target £0. Actual £0. Action delivered.
Total expediture forecast. Target £0. Actual £0. Action delivered.
Project stage. Target - in progress. Actual - in progress. Action delivered.
Cllr. Clive Hart - Phone: 01843 298770
Cllr Iris Johnston - Shadow Member for Community Services.
As a member of the Local Travel Forum I ask that the Cabinet honour TDC's commitment to supporting local public transport particularly in relation to bus services.

Thanet residents are still struggling with changes to a number of bus routes which prevent them from easily accessing the doctors surgery at the Limes in Trinity Square and also availing of the number 9 at Tivoli Road.

Petitions have been presented and it continues to be my view that TDC have a responsibility to take care of ALL of our residents well being. Many who need these services are elderly and the Ruling group have not been proactive in getting these problems resolved. I have yet to see Cllr Wells at a Travel Forum but do appreciate the attendance of TDC Officer Colin Fitt.

There are similar issues at Westgate and Garlinge which have been brought to KCC and TDC's attention on many occasions.Only in the run up to elections does anyone take a brief notice.

I would ask Cabinet to advise KCC of their responsibilities in ensuring all petitions are treated with respect and properly acted upon in a timely fashion. We should also support a Safer and Healthier Community and properly tackle climate change by encouraging public transport use.
Cllr. Iris Johnston: 01843 299207
ITEM 9 CONTINUED - Cllr Clive Hart - Leader of the Opposition.
At the last KCC Local Board a KCC officer stated how the plans for the so called “Parkway Station” were progressing well. To the amusement of all local residents, when asked where this station would be sited, he could only reply he had no idea!
We ask again where this station will be?
Also the document talks of the parkway station being central to the plan and how KCC are working with Network Rail to potentially reduce the time from London to Ramsgate by another 10 minutes, well so far so good. But is this reduction to the parkway Station? If so, travellers are 10 mins away in any case. Or if not, when the parkway station comes on stream, never probably, will the journey time to Ramsgate from London still be the 10 mins shorter?
Basically we cannot understand how an extra station can be inserted into the route, with all the delay that slowing down, stopping, restarting and speeding up again, can possibly save ten minutes in the journey from London to Ramsgate.
At paragraph 8.6 on page 131 we (Labour) call for 'Growth Without Gridlock' and the proposed budget allocation of 45%.
I see that at paragraph 1.4 on page 127 residents clearly see road congestion at Westwood Cross as a major concern and that at the very top of the chart on page 128 at paragraph 3 it also clearly shows 'Tackling Congestion' as a priority for 'Growth Without Gridlock'. I note that the congestion at Westwood is even mentioned in the recommendation at paragraph 9.1 on page 131.
It appears that the Director of Regeneration Services certainly understands what congestion is and I note from comments made in the press that you leader may be changing your position on comments you made at the last Joint Transportation Board meeting concerning congestion.
Cllr. Clive Hart - Phone: 01843 298770
Cllr. Richard Nicholson - Phone: 01843 580057
Cllr Alan Poole - Shadow Cabinet Deputy Leader & Shadow Member for Environmental Services.
I welcome the news that Ramsgate is at last getting a new swimming pool. The current Ramsgate Pool has been ‘passed its sell by date’ for a quite a few years.

I would like to know why it has taken so long for this proposal to surface as the plans for a new pool were ready in 2002 when Labour last controlled the Council. It would have been considerably cheaper then. I believe it would have cost £2m then but the cost now is nearly double at £3.84m.

Why was the option to borrow the money not considered much sooner? You have had eight years to get your act together. I cannot believe for one moment that its appearance now has anything to do with the 2011 local government elections? Would I be correct in this assumption?

I would like your assurance that only the footprint of the current pool and car park is to be redeveloped at some later date. I note the report does say this but the attached drawing does not make it clear what actual area is being considered. I support the intention to make the decision at a later date when a full range of options can be considered. I would like to make it very clear that I cannot support any development that includes the whole site as shown in the drawing.

I am disappointed to learn that some Conservatives on Ramsgate Town Council are against this scheme. The residents of Ramsgate have waited long enough for a new swimming pool and going back to the drawing board with re-builds and 50m pools shows a complete lack of reality.

Cllr. Alan Poole - Phone: 01843 602594
Published by Thanet Labour Group Press Office - 44 Northdown Road, Margate, CT9 2RW.

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