Tuesday, 14 December 2010


More than 1,200 people have enjoyed a Tudor Christmas in Margate this year.

The celebrations were held over the last two weekends (Saturday 4, Sunday 5, Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 December) at the Tudor House in King Street, with people able to vote in the This is Margate photographic competition during the second weekend.

Visitors to the property could enjoy a “Feast for a Farmer” in the parlour, with historically accurate and hand-made costumes from the Tudor Tailor, spanning the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I on display. Entertainment was provided by story-teller Frankie Jordan from the Tom Thumb Theatre, along with Theatre of the Small who entranced adults and children alike with model theatre performances, poetry and music.

‘Pie Days and Holidays,’ a new art project for Margate, featured artist Sophie Herxheimer listening to over 60 food stories, recording them in writing and illustration. A copy of the artwork was then given as a present to the story-teller. A full exhibition of all the stories will take place in April 2011 at Marine Studios in Margate along with many other activities.

Cllr. Martin Wise, Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, said: “It’s wonderful to see so many people enjoying the Tudor House in Margate this Christmas. It just emphasises what a popular attraction it is in the town and how art and culture enhance its appeal”.

The event was organised by Arts Development at Thanet District Council, with funding from the Big Lottery and European money from the Interreg 2 Seas Project.

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