Friday, 29 March 2013


Cabinet have tonight (Thursday 28 March) agreed to adopt the Climate Local Kent Commitment at Thanet District Council (TDC).

This was signed by the chair of the Kent Forum at the Local Government Association Conference in September 2012 and will now been implemented at a local level in Thanet.

The council is already working with partners, including the Thanet Regeneration Board, to promote and support businesses in environmentally friendly sectors such as the wind farms. Tonight’s decision ensures that the council is signed up to the national Climate Local Commitments. 

The Climate Local Kent action plan will be delivered through the Kent Forum and partners including Thanet District Council, the Environment Agency, Kent Police, Kent Fire and Rescue, NHS Kent and Medway and other Kent Local Authorities and supports priority 6 of the council’s Corporate Plan 2012-2016; “We will make our district cleaner and greener and lead by example on environmental issues”.

Also, as part of the council’s Corporate Plan, local environmental targets, actions and approaches were developed which include:

  • Working on projects to reduce our emissions including the completed crematorium projects, fuel saving on new refuse freighters, introduction of solar panels to the council offices, investigation of a more fuel efficient boiler for the council offices.
  • Direct involvement in the preparation for and delivery of the Kent and Medway Green Deal.
  • Identifying the low carbon sector as a key growth area in our emerging Economic Growth Strategy.
  • Reducing our own direct water usage in the main offices and in relation to public open spaces.
  • Supporting renewable energy projects through planning (Economic Growth Strategy) and through our Port as well as introducing solar panels to other council sites.
  • Undertaking major flood defence improvement and restoration works using funding from the Environment Agency.
  • Continuing to manage and support the SSSI areas around our coast, including partnership working with Natural England and the Kent Wildlife Trust.
  • Developing further partnerships with local groups to encourage volunteering to assist with the management of our public open spaces.

In addition to the above another target to replace the lighting installations in council owned multi-storey car parks and main buildings with LED lighting has been agreed. This will be undertaken where appropriate and safe to do so and ensuring where the investment is covered by energy and maintenance savings.

Mark Seed, Director of Operational Services said, “We recognise that the council has an important role in reducing the affects of climate change in Thanet. We also want to ensure that we support and help our residents and local businesses in managing this. The opportunities and benefits of action on climate change include cheaper energy bills, income from renewable energy, investment in green industries, managing local flood risk and protecting the natural environment and we want to maximise our involvement in these”.

Details of the Climate Local Kent Commitment and targets can be found at:


'I was pleased to be presenting the Equality Policy and Action Plan to Cabinet this evening, so that the public consultation process could be started with the wide Thanet community.

For me, it is a matter of moral and political duty to challenge and fight against prejudice and discrimination.
In the current economic climate, it is anticipated that residents will turn towards Thanet District Council in situations of difficulty and it is paramount that they are all treated in total fairness with dignity and respect.

I feel privileged to be able to uphold these principles within a policy document and I believe that Thanet District Council has an important role to play in championing the Equalities and Diversity agenda not only within the Council for its service users and staff but also in the wider Thanet community and its many residents groups.

I am grateful that in my Cabinet post I am supported by the Member Lead for Equality and Inclusion, Cllr. John Worrow, who contributed to the Cabinet debate this evening.” Gone are the days when a local government equality policy was just about ticking the right boxes and talking the talk. Thanks to people like Cllr. Michelle Fenner we are starting to walk the walk. It is encouraging to work with someone who genuinely understands what true equality means.”

The public consultation will enable comments on the policy itself and the action plan.

I expect, upon return to Cabinet, post-consultation, in June that the action plan will have more entries, reflecting feedback received from consultees.

I also expect both documents to be regularly updated and always considered as work in progress.
Equality can never be static and I urge all members of the Thanet community to take part in the public consultation'.
Cllr. Michelle Fenner, Cabinet member.

The public consultation will take place between from 2nd to 30th April 2013.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Events Funding For Thanet Agreed

Broadstairs and Ramsgate are each to receive £30,000 in funding for events for the forthcoming year, Margate, Cliftonville and the surrounding areas will receive £40,000.

The council set aside a total of £115,000 in this year’s budget to support events throughout Thanet.   

The amount given to Broadstairs and St. Peter’s Town Council includes the contribution that the council usually makes to both Folk Week and the Dickens Festival. Both town councils have been asked to match fund this amount.

This leaves £15,000 of which £10,000 will be available to local community and voluntary groups across the rest of Thanet to bid for events sponsorship from the council.

Strict criteria will be applied to applications. This will include:

  • Generating money to support local businesses and traders and contributing to the visitor economy
  • Supporting either sport, health or well-bring, culture arts or music or the area’s heritage
  • Providing an event that is family friendly and will generate an audience

The bids will be assessed by a cross party panel of councillors, advised by council officers, who will make the final decision on how to allocate the money.

The deadline for submissions that TDC administer (Margate, Cliftonville, Westgate, Birchington and the Villages) is 5.00 pm on Monday, 8th April. 

To download an application form or to find out how to bid for fund administered by Broadstairs and St Peter’s Town Council/Ramgsate Town Council, please visit the Council’s website at:

Madeline Homer, Director of Community Services, said: “Events play a crucial role in Thanet and that’s why we have ensured that there was funding in place to support them. We want to make sure that each of Thanet’s towns has money to put on events during the year, so that we have a good spread of activity across the area for both visitors and residents. Thanks to this funding, we look forward to having a wide variety of events this year.”

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


The imprisonment of the ex-leader of Thanet District Council’s is evidence of a “culture of corruption” in Thanet, according to a local historian and journalist.

Norman Thomas, editor of Thanet Watch magazine, says that Sandy Ezekiel, sentenced for 18 months on four charges of misconduct in public office, is not “one rotten apple in the barrel” but the latest example of what’s been going on in the area since the 1970s.

“In the 1982 a leading councillor was jailed for forging money,” says Mr Thomas.  “Since then Kent police have spent years and years of man-hours investigating fraud and criminality in public life in Thanet.

“Their efforts have shown little result – but this isn’t because the criminality isn’t there, it’s because of another kind of culture in the area – a culture of secrecy. 

“The council is a huge employer in the area. They give grants to groups; they help groups to get grants. Nearly everyone or their brother or friend is directly or indirectly beholden to them.

“People are simply too afraid to speak out. “

Beginning this week, Mr Thomas’s magazine Thanet Watch will be publishing a series of articles exploring what he calls the “curse of corruption” in Thanet.

“People like Ezekiel have had an all-pervading, destructive impact on the life of our community. The time has come to expose this and set things right,” he said.

The new issue of Thanet Watch is due out on Thursday 28 March.  

Time is running out for Landlords

Landlords who own a property in Cliftonville are being reminded by Thanet District Council to apply for their Selective Licence by the end of March 2013, before the prices increase.
In November last year, the High Court confirmed Thanet District Council’s decision to introduce a Selective Licensing Scheme in certain parts of Cliftonville. The scheme was introduced in a bid to tackle anti-social behaviour and low housing demand and improve the management of privately rented properties. Go to  to find out if your property is affected. 

There are significant penalties for non-compliance. Furthermore, licence fees will be increasing on 01 April 2013.
Without a licence
You could be prosecuted and fined up to £20,000
You cannot serve a section 21 notice to regain possession of your property
You may be required by law to repay the rents you have received
The aim is to achieve 100% compliance, and we have already begun collecting evidence in preparation for a large number of prosecutions.
If you are a tenant and your landlord has not licensed your flat or house, or you are a home owner and are aware of an unlicensed property nearby, you can report this to the council. You don’t need to leave a name and can remain anonymous.
Tanya Wenham, Housing Regeneration Manager for Community Services, said “We were delighted when we found out we had won the case for selective licensing in the Cliftonville area of Margate. Implementing the scheme was the right decision for our residents and the High Court agreed with us. Thanet is the first council in Kent to have such a scheme.
“It now means that the residents of Cliftonville have greater protection against rogue landlords. This will improve the quality of life for those living in the area and should make a positive difference to the whole community."

To find out more or to download an application form call 01843 577437 or email and visit

Monday, 25 March 2013

Thanet Council - Review of Procedures

We wish to emphasise that Thanet District Council’s policies and procedures are robust. Indeed the Annual Audit Letter of September 2012 stated that in overall terms their assessment was that the Council has a good understanding of its underlying financial position and sound financial systems and that the Council continues to demonstrate effective arrangements for budget and financial management.
TDC’s Whistleblowing Policy was effective and instantaneous in alerting the Senior Management and subsequently the Police to the crime committed by Cllr. Ezekiel who was found guilty of Misconduct in a Public Office.
Thorough investigations by the Police with full co-operation of TDC officers to check if there were any signs of collusion found nothing untoward.
We share the concern that Councillors who are elected to represent and serve the general public must adhere to the highest standards of integrity.
We have therefore decided to take the opportunity this situation presents to revisit our policies and procedures and not to leave any stone unturned.
We have requested a comprehensive report to Cabinet on lessons to be learnt and what actions to follow. This report will be discussed at the Cabinet meeting in April.
It is proposed to write a report to Cabinet to debrief Members on the findings of the court case, and to present the response of the council to learn from this case to improve its systems and processes. 
The cabinet report will state in its opening paragraphs that a crime has been committed and although we are actively reviewing our procedures, a preliminary review has shown that it was a result of the council’s procedures that enabled the crime to be detected and brought to justice. As a learning council we have used this to prompt a thorough review of procedures covering asset disposal, contract procedures, publication of reports and disclosure of member interests.
The report will specifically refer to:-
-          A review of the asset disposal policy and procedure – with revisions to include the addition of an explanation of the methods of disposal; and to improve key controls to prevent advantage to officers and members through inside knowledge, by prohibiting officers from sharing bidding information during commercial negotiations.   Internal audit will be asked to contribute to this review and to provide assurance of the adequacy of key controls.
-          A review of the register of member interests, to strengthen the information requested. This revision would then be taken to Standards, for recommendation to Council.
-          A reminder will be issued to all members alerting them of the need to complete the register of interests.
-          Regular reminders will be issued to all staff and members of the whistleblowing policy.  This has recently been undertaken.
-          Officers will be made aware of risk areas in disposal and contract award decisions and will be reminded of the need for thorough and accurate records of all decisions as well as for the need to log member contact in relation to sale and contract negotiations.
-          To strengthen the detection controls for asset sales, all sales will be reported in the quarterly budget monitoring reports, where the sale values will form part of the capital receipts figures within the capital programme. The report will state which assets have been disposed of, by which sale method, for what price and the details of the purchaser.
-          Members will be reassured that it is appropriate to approach officers with concerns relating to their ward, or portfolio, such as may affect the areas regeneration, but that these contacts will be recorded.
-          Where officers deem it necessary to exclude the press and public due to the content of a report, the report that recommends the exclusion of the press and public will, in future, state what the public interest test is, to explain the rational for the exclusion, and what is meant by commercially sensitive, where applicable.
-          The exclusion report will also state that in the case where the public interest test is finely balanced, that the presumption will be in favour of publishing.
-          The annual review of contract standing orders and the tight controls over tender opening, which already exist.

This course of actions will show the residents of Thanet that, as the new administration at Thanet District Council, we are not complacent about the way decisions are made and implemented and that our guiding principle will always be the public interest. We intend to continue to debate, scrutinise and challenge every aspect of Thanet District Council’s work on behalf of the community it serves.

Councillor Clive Hart – Leader
Councillor Alan Poole – Deputy Leader
Councillor Michelle Fenner – Cabinet Member Business Services and Corporate Regulatory

New planning applications,

The TDC planning website is one of the most bizarre websites I have ever come across in as much as the web addresses of the pages on it change after a few hours so you can’t publish links to them. If you want to look at any of the applications you need to go to the site and enter the application reference in the search box, this link takes you to the site

Date Published*Application No.AddressStatus
22 Mar 2013OL/TH/13/017279-85 HIGH STREET, RAMSGATEcurrent
21 Mar 2013F/TH/13/013674 ST. MILDREDS ROAD WESTGATE-ON-SEA CT88RFcurrent
20 Mar 2013F/TH/13/0070THE ROYAL 51 HARBOUR PARADE RAMSGATE CT118LJcurrent
20 Mar 2013F/TH/13/01702 LENHAM CLOSE BROADSTAIRS CT101SGcurrent
20 Mar 2013F/TH/07/045435 ADDINGTON STREET, RAMSGATE, CT11 9JJ current
20 Mar 2013F/TH/13/0139268 NORTHDOWN ROAD, MARGATE, CT9 2PX current
20 Mar 2013F/TH/13/018077 HIGH STREET, RAMSGATE, CT11 9RJ current
20 Mar 2013F/TH/13/007251 CENTRAL ROAD RAMSGATE CT117SBcurrent
18 Mar 2013L/TH/13/016826 ROYAL ROAD RAMSGATE CT119LEcurrent
18 Mar 2013F/TH/13/014623 DANE COURT GARDENS BROADSTAIRS CT102SBcurrent
18 Mar 2013F/TH/13/01661-3 BYRON AVENUE MARGATE CT9 1TUcurrent
18 Mar 2013F/TH/13/018925 FREEMANS ROAD MINSTER RAMSGATE CT124ELcurrent
18 Mar 2013F/TH/13/019853 GARRARD AVENUE MARGATE CT95PYcurrent
15 Mar 2013F/TH/13/01602 SEWELL CLOSE, BIRCHINGTON, KENT CT7 0BPcurrent
* This date is when Thanet District Council first published this case file.

New documents published by Thanet District Council,

Thanet District Council licensing applications,

Name of Applicant / Club Address of Premises / Club Nature of application. New or variation Proposed licensable activities / or proposed variation Date by which representations may be made
(no less than 28 days after date received)
Dance Hub Margate Limited 46 High Street, Margate CT9 1DS & 18 Marine Drive, Margate New premises licence application Supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment 28 March 2013
Paolo's Kitchen Ltd 39 Albion Street, Broadstairs CT10 1NE New premises licence application Supply of alcohol and regulated entertainment 28 March 2013
Co-operative Group Food Limited Grange Road, Ramsgate CT11 9NA Variation of premises licence Increase trading hours for supply of alcohol 28 March 2013
Co-operative Group Food Limited Minster Filling Station, Tothill Street, Minster, Kent CT12 4AU Variation of premises licence Increase trading hours for supply of alcohol 28 March 2013
Quex Park Estates Quex Park, Birchington CT7 0BH New premises licence application Supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment 08 April 2013
Mr Steven Mann Ramsgate Brewery, 7 Hornet Close, Broadstairs, Kent CT10 2YD New premises licence application Supply of alcohol 18 April 2013
Margate Harbour Arm Ltd Units 7 & 8 Margate Harbour Arm, Stone Pier, Margate CT9 1AP New premises licence application Supply of alcohol and regulated entertainment 18 April 2013

Best Energy Tarrif For All

Rising energy bills are a real problem for families across Thanet. For far too long the 'Big 6' energy companies have dictated the odds and people are often placed on a tariff which is completely unsuitable- and more expensive for them. The good news is that the Government is making some major changes that will directly help struggling families with their energy bills.

From this summer, energy companies will HAVE to make your energy bill clear and offer you the cheapest available tariff. Additionally, rather than having a huge range of different contracts for you to sift through, energy companies will not be allowed to offer more than 4 tariffs for each fuel. They will need to be completely straight with you and if they don't comply with regulations, they'll face a heavy fine.

We're not stopping there however. People lead busy lives and don't always have time to ring up their energ! y company to change to the better tariff offered. Lots of people may not even have time to read their bill properly. That's why the Government has put forward a new law that will require energy companies to put us all on the cheapest tariff automatically, unless we choose otherwise. This will mean that you will always be on the best tariff that your energy company offers.

Like any business, energy companies should be grateful for our custom and do everything to keep us. At long last, the balance of power is switching in our favour.

There were a few other top tips in the press this week that you can do now to help reduce your energy bills: 1) Shop around- check that you are getting the best available deal using an energy comparison website. Do consider switching supplier if there are better deals out there; you could save well over one hundred pounds. 2) Check that you are paying the best way- direct debit is often cheaper tha! n paying quarterly. 3) Use less unnecessary energy by switchin! g TVs an d chargers off at the mains rather than leaving them on standby. This saving can really add up over the year.

Finally, you may have heard about the Green Deal- a new Government scheme to help make your home warmer and  reduce your energy bills. It's definitely worth looking into and you can find out much more by or by calling 0300 123 1234.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

THANET ISLAND DISCS with Clive Hart tonight

Thanet District Council Leader Clive Hart will be chatting informally with Academy FM's Howard Evans and choosing a session of the music for his Sunday evening show this weekend, on Sunday 24th March at 7pm.

Clive said "I'm sure it will be a very pleasant and light hearted session for me at Academy FM. I'm looking forward to a totally non-political chat with Howard and sharing some of my favourite sounds for a Sunday evening".

Sunday Night Live with Howard Evans transmits at 107.8 FM or online at

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Turner Contemporary announces April and May events programme

Press release
Turner Contemporary announces 2013 April & May events programme

Alongside our current exhibitions Carl Andre: Mass & MatterRosa Barba: Subject to Constant Change and Turner’s Perspective: Selected by Rosa Barba and our installations by Juan Muñozand Dan Graham, Turner Contemporary is delighted to announce highlights from its April and May 2013 events programme. 
Turner Contemporary offers an exciting variety of events, including the annual Turner Lecture and Dinner with this year’s special guest the award-winning art critic, historian, broadcaster and curatorRichard Cork. The gallery plays host to Turner on Perspective, a dramatisation by Maurice Davies featuring special guests art critic Alastair Sooke and the Royal Academy’s Professor of Perspective, Humphrey OceanMargate’s young Writers' Squad respond to the gallery’s exhibitions with a reading of their written work. 
For more information on our exhibitions and installations go 

Turner on Perspective
Sat 13 Apr, 7.30pm, £10 / £8 concessions
Turner’s lectures were famous for being at once fascinating and extremely difficult to follow. See for yourself in Maurice Davies’ dramatisation with special guests including art critic Alastair Sooke (The Daily Telegraph) and Professor of Perspective at the Royal Academy, Humphrey Ocean.
Writers’ Squad exhibition reading
Sat 20 Apr, 12 noon, free
Young people from our Writers Squad read their work, written in response to the exhibitions.

Annual Turner Lecture and Dinner with Richard Cork
Thu 25 Apr, 6pm
Award-winning art critic, historian, broadcaster and curator Richard Cork is our special guest at this year’s Turner Lecture and Dinner. The evening raises vital funds for our future exhibitions, learning and community outreach programmes. Join us for a drinks reception, followed by the lecture and dinner served overlooking ‘the loveliest skies in all Europe’.
Book by 31 March and benefit from our advance ticket prices: £85 per person (full price £100) Table of 8, £600 (full price table £700)

Book online at This event is supported by media partner KM Group

Carl Andre: Mass & Matter
Exhibition tour
Thu 2 May, 3pm, free
Art Historian Dr Dominic Rahtz gives a special tour of Mass & Matter.


Sculpture Drawing
Sat 18 & Tue 21 May (Adult Learners’ Week),
2 – 4pm, drop in, free
Celebrate Adult Learners’ Week (18 – 24 May) with a sculpture drawing class – draw Juan Muñoz’s figures and get tips from artist Roy Eastland.

Family workshops
Every Sunday, and Wednesdays and Thursdays during school holidays you can explore the exhibitions through our fun activities
1 – 4pm, drop in, £3 per child/free for adults, under 3s and families living in CT9



Free exhibition tours
Every Sat, Sun and Bank Holiday, 11 – 11:30am
Perspective Windows
Self-led activities Tue - Sunday, 10am – 6pm, drop in, free
Clore Learning Studio (subject to availability)
Make your own perspective drawings inspired by Turner and stick them onto our Clore Learning Studio windows. Devised by artists Make, Do and Draw.
 Full event information can be found on our website at
Saturdays 1 – 4pm, drop in
£3 per child/free for adults, under 3s and families living in CT9
Clore Learning Studio (subject to availability)
Inspired by Carl Andre, feel, explore, play and build in this self-led activity.
Supported by WWMartin.


Thanet District Council invites you to join in English Tourism Week 2013 by visiting one of the district’s fantastic visitor attractions!
English Tourism Week is a week-long celebration of events from 16-24 March which showcase the range of visitor experiences the country has to offer and the value it brings to the nation.
Whether its art galleries that inspire you, exploring the past or discovering a love for planes, trains or automobiles there really is something for everyone to enjoy in Thanet.
To get you inspired we’ve created a list which includes some of our top attractions to visit (see below*).
Why not start off with a trip to the new Pocher exhibition at the Hornby Visitor Centre? Recognised as some of the most complex and detailed automobile kits ever made, the exhibition features 24 rare and sought after model cars including 
Fiat F2 130HP Racer, Rolls-Royce Torpedo Phantom II, Bugatti 50T Surprofilé Coupé.
The new ‘with us in spirit’ exhibition at Quex Park is another visitor must. Celebrating the work of Fred Merfield who collected over 70 specimens in Cameroon, including frogs, snakes, scorpions, small chimpanzees and antelopes and preserved them in alcohol. Following a conservation project in 2012 to transfer the specimens out of their old jars and into new alcohol, the museum is proud to display them all for the first time.
Or if it’s a day out by the seaside you’re after you’re spoilt for choice with Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate all with their own unique charm and attractions on offer. This includes the world renowned Turner Contemporary, the Old Town and Shell Grotto in Margate, Dickens House Museum and Crampton Tower in Broadstairs and the country’s only Royal Harbour and Maritime Museum in Ramsgate, amongst lots more!
Cabinet Member for Tourism, Cllr Iris Johnston, said: “We’re very lucky in Thanet to have such a broad range of attractions and places to visit, as well as our beautiful coastline and beaches. By supporting English Tourism Week we hope not only to raise the profile of Thanet to new visitors but also to remind the people who live here what fantastic things are on offer, right on their doorstep!”
As part of English Tourism Week visitors also had an opportunity to bid for free tickets to loads of top attractions, right across Kent. The ‘My Kent Big Weekend’ event, which is taking place this Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March, includes 12 Thanet attractions who offered up between them a total of 1,690 free tickets.
For more information on the attractions available in Thanet, including opening times, please visit

Top attractions to visit in Thanet:
  • Turner Contemporary
  • Powell –Cotton Museum, Quex House and Gardens
  • Spitfire and Hurricane Museum
  • Hornby Visitor Centre
  • The Shell Grotto (weekend only) – daily from Easter
  • UpDown Gallery
  • Pinball Parlour (weekend only)
  • Crampton Tower Museum
  • Walpole Bay Hotel & Living Museum
  • Rock Doc Walk (24th March)
  • Dickens House Museum (weekend only) – daily April to September
  • Margate Old Town
  • Margate Museum (weekend only)
Don’t forget these attractions as well (some of which will open later in the year)
  • St Peters Village Tour
  • Ramsgate Costumed Walks
  • Ramsgate Maritime Museum
  • Strokes Adventure Golf
  • Lillyput Mini Golf
  • Margate Museum of Monstrosities
  • Joss Bay Surf School
  • Bleak House
  • Revolution Skate Park- open all year
  • Pugin’s The Grange & St Augustines Church – Grange Wednesday afternoons throughout the year, Church Wednesdays, Saturday and Sundays during the year
  • RAF Manston History Museum
  • Monkton Nature Reserve
  • Minster Abbey
  • Seasearcher, Horizon Sea Safaris and Galleon Cruises out of Ramsgate

Crate presents Shades

Crate presents Shades Opening Night: Friday 22nd March, 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Open: Saturday 23rd - Sunday 24th March, 12.00 noon - 5.00pm

What meaning can be assigned to the application of lipstick? Many women leave a visible trace of themselves behind each time they blot their lipstick on a tissue. Do all women perform the action of applying lipstick in the same way? Why do we do it? Who do we do it for? Is the application of lipstick itself a sensual act? The names of lipstick colours themselves can be evocative. What does your choice of lipstick say about you? These are some of the questions that are posed by this project.

Through a variety of media the artists hope to stimulate some interesting conversations among the audience on the subject of lipstick. Therefore this show is seen as the midpoint to establishing a deeper understanding of this beauty ritual.

Shades is a collaborative exchange of artistic research by Eleanore Carlson, Joan Hobson and Sara Kayes. The artists welcome you to the conversation.

Inline images 2

Crate Studio and Project Space
1 Bilton Square  Margate  CT9 1EE
Charity No: 1105867
Company Limited by Guarantee 5163003

Crate is designed to give artists access to affordable space and resources.

For further information on Crate visit:

Double Olympic champion calls for the help of Thanet businesses

Dame Kelly Holmes calls on Thanet’s businesses to help her charity support the area’s young people.
For the first time in Kent, double Olympic champion Dame Kelly Holmes is calling on Thanet businesses to start taking the lead.

Dame Kelly’s charity, the DKH Legacy Trust, in partnership with Thanet District Council's SPORT 4 NRG programme is supporting young people in Thanet, on its ‘Get on Track’ programme. Look at to find out more.

Funded by National Lottery funds, awarded by Sport England, Get on Track sees world-class athletes provide mentoring and support to youngsters as they get ‘fit for work’ through committing to a healthy and active lifestyle, which will help inspire them to make positive changes to their lives.

On Wednesday 27 March Thanet District Council will be holding a presentation to various organisations in Kent to explain the scheme and involve them in this fantastic programme. If you want to find out how you can get involved, contact James Gregory on 01843 577728 or email

Dame Kelly, who won gold in both the 800m and 1500m in 2004, said:

“My charity needs your support. Whether you can offer a CV workshop, interview practice sessions, work experience or employment, we’d love to work together to help Thanet’s young people.

The Olympics have done a great job in inspiring a future generation, and I hope my charity can do the same with your help.”

Councillor Iris Johnston, Cabinet Member for Community Services said: “It was a pleasure to meet Dame Kelly Holmes when she helped us to launch the Viking cycle trail many years ago and it’s wonderful that she is supporting Thanet again.

“Dame Kelly is a wonderful role model, working for a worthwhile programme supporting and encouraging the young people of Thanet.”

Thanet District Council/Sport 4 NRG will be enrolling 18-25yr olds in April, who is unemployed, and not in education or training. If you are in this age range, or you know someone who would be interested in joining up for a six week programme, please contact James Gregory at Thanet District Council on 01843 577728 or email on to find out more and to get involved in this amazing scheme.


CAMERON TO FACE CARNIVAL AGAINST THE CUTS David Cameron will be met by a “Carnival Against the Cuts” when he comes to Canterbury on March 21st. Campaigning groups, including East Kent Keep Our NHS Public group, Canterbury And Whitstable Stop The Cuts, and Anti-Cuts Thanet, supported by the Public and Commercial Services Union, UNISON, GMB E23 and many others, are teaming up to confront the Prime Minister when he attends the investiture of the new Archbishop of Canterbury. Local NHS and anti-cuts campaigner Helen Lewarne is calling on the people of Kent to come to Canterbury to make their voices heard. She said: “Wherever Cameron goes he has been met with huge protests. Let’s make sure the people of Kent have their voices heard, adding to the chorus of protest across the nation against the unnecessary victimisation of ordinary families and the most vulnerable members of our society”. In particular the carnival campaigners plan to highlight the impact of the Health and Social Care legislation which comes into force April. Bunny la Roche of East Kent Keep Our NHS public said: “The legislation will cause the fragmentation of the NHS under multiple private providers whose primary allegiances will be to their shareholders. We will see an increase in post-code lottery provision of health care and it will not be long before it will be necessary for, those who can afford it, to take out private health care insurance. “With increasing unemployment and poverty rates soaring, many people will be unable to afford private health insurance. The health of the nation may well return to pre- war standards. “ But campaigners will also be protesting against the Government’s cuts to other public services and to welfare benefits, including the proposed “bedroom tax” which will take effect after 1st April. Said Bunny: “Here in east Kent a fifth of children and young people are living in poverty. Families are unable to even provide food for their children as is demonstrated by the appearance of food banks in our communities. There are already food banks in Medway, Thanet and Canterbury with plans to set up another one in Whitstable. The poorest people in the country are being made to suffer for the bankers’ crisis.” The carnival will take place outside Canterbury Cathedral in the Buttermarket at 11 am on 21st March. Said Bunny: “Street musicians are welcome to join us and anyone who wants to dress up for the occasion. We would encourage people to bring whistles, drums. Let’s make sure our message to David Cameron is loud and clear.” For more information, please ring 07939268962 or 07947424505, email us at or find us on facebook at East Kent Keep Our NHS Public.

Monday, 18 March 2013

New planning applications,

The TDC planning website is one of the most bizarre websites I have ever come across in as much as the web addresses of the pages on it change after a few hours so you can’t publish links to them. If you want to look at any of the applications you need to go to the site and enter the application reference in the search box, this link takes you to the site

Date Published*Application No.AddressStatus
15 Mar 2013F/TH/13/01602 SEWELL CLOSE, BIRCHINGTON, KENT CT7 0BPcurrent
14 Mar 2013F/TH/13/01546 SALISBURY AVENUE, BROADSTAIRS, CT10 2DT current
14 Mar 2013F/TH/13/015666 LEICESTER AVENUE, MARGATE, CT9 3DB current
14 Mar 2013L/TH/13/00547 MARGATE HARBOUR ARM, STONE PIER, MARGATE, CT9 1AP current
13 Mar 2013F/TH/13/0121THE WAVERLEY, 46 HIGH STREET, MARGATE, CT9 1DScurrent
13 Mar 2013F/TH/13/015794 HIGH STREET, BROADSTAIRS, CT10 1JJcurrent
12 Mar 2013F/TH/13/002585 NEWINGTON ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT12 6PPcurrent
12 Mar 2013F/TH/13/0150235 NORTHDOWN ROAD, MARGATE, CT9 2PJcurrent
11 Mar 2013F/TH/13/012845 LANTHORNE ROAD BROADSTAIRS CT103NAcurrent
11 Mar 2013F/TH/13/013812 WESTERN ESPLANADE BROADSTAIRS CT101TDcurrent
11 Mar 2013F/TH/13/014863-65 KING STREET RAMSGATE CT118NXcurrent
11 Mar 2013F/TH/12/0971FLAT 5, 18 VICTORIA PARADE, BROADSTAIRS, CT10 1QS current
11 Mar 2013F/TH/13/00805 DEVONSHIRE TERRACE, BROADSTAIRS, CT10 1HH current
* This date is when Thanet District Council first published this case file.

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